Monday, November 07, 2005

Welcome to Sweetie and Jasmine...

Many of you know a few weeks back I went to see a horse in Kincardine that I fell in love with - but really was worried about affording it with board, etc. Well, I finally have the money and I pick up my little girl named Jasmine this weekend.... Photos of my beautiful horsee are posted. As for Sweetie - I don't think my family could love an animal in this entire world as much as they love this dog! She is the kindest, suckiest, sweetest, fuzziest dog around! She's a miniature Australian Shephard with beautiful brown eyes that will make you do anything for her! I think the community pet stores also think she's the most spoiled new dog in the neighborhood - she has top notch everything!!! I wish I were that spoiled growing up (not that I wasn't spoiled)! And let us not forget Tiffany - my little princess of a cat who is still adjusting to the presence of Sweetie. Here she is mentally preparing for her boxing match with Mom on the couch and there is also a shot of her in action!